I hope everyone has had a great holiday season. One of my wishes was to have a white christmas. Hey hey I did get that. I am starting to feel human again. That bug sure lasted a long time here. Started around Thanksgiving and did not go away till like last week. Adrian got his Badger Archive Book from Santa. James Bond DVDs and a Miami Vice CD (soon to be coming) for Xmas from mom. I will be seeing Allen next week and then the holiday season will be done. The above stitching is from my last years stash finding mission with Marcy and friends. It is a small project and it will be done soon. It feeds into my bunny-collecting.
Any new year's resolutions? Really working again on schoolwork. I want to get the rest of my classes out of the way. I have Chemisty, Algebra, Statistics, World Religions, and Anaylsis of Lit...soon to testing out on Jan. 13, 09.
Wishing Health and Happiness to all in 09.