This is from a pinkeep exchange with my friends from a Yahoo stitching group. This was sent off to Char. I'm glad that she enjoyed it.

This is the pinkeep that I recieved. Sewing is how I started crafting. She also sent some floss. Very nice.

This is from the Lizzie Kate Exchange. A great pin keep. I love the saying and have wanted to stitch it myself. Great minds. LOL

This one is from a Season Exchange. You can never have too many scissors fob. It is sooo cute. She even put a cute little star button on it. It came in that flip flop bag along with a hand made note card.
I have taken a break from blogging. I am now ready to write and show off a bit. I have been busy stitching for a couple of exchanges.
My adult son moved back home for a while so we both have had to make adjustments. School is a constant challenge but I will get through it. I ordered more books and I think I might get one more. It will such a huge feather in my cap when I test out of this one.
Have a great day.